Helpful information for parents *Please note that the information is only available in Afrikaans Abuse Addiction Adolescent Algemene inligting Angs Anxiety Break with reality Breuk met realiteit Children Covid-19 Depressie Depression Dr. Louis Awerbuck Family murders Geestesgesondheidstoestande Gemoedsversteurings General information Gesinsmoord Geweld Johannes new Johannes Schickerling Kinders Latest Louis Awerbuck Louis nuutste mental health conditions Mishandeling Mood disorder Nuutste Ouers Parents Personal development Personality Disorders Persoonlikheidsversteurings post traumatic stress disorder Posttraumatiese stresversteuring Relationships Selfdood Selfontwikkeling Shorts Suicide Tieners Verhoudings Verslawing Violence abuse ADD addiction ADHD adolescent agorafobie agoraphobia alkohol misbruik anger angs anxiety autism Bedrieër-sindroom behaviour problems beroep Bipolar disorder Bipolêre versteuring boelie borderline personality disorder bully bystander effect career cheating children Christmas presents communication covid-19 cultus depressie depression discipline dissipline divorce dobbel verslawing doelwitte domestic violence Dr. Louis Awerbuck egskeiding familievervreemding family alienation Family murders fear of spaces friendship frustrasie toleransie frustration tolerance gambling addiction gebroke hartsindroom gedragsprobleme gemoedsversteurings gender generasiebagasie gesinsmoord geslag gesondheidsangs geweld goals good daughter sindroom Grenslyn-persoolikheidversteuring Gru-verhale homoseksualiteit homosexuality huishoudelike geweld hypochondriac Hypokondria Imposter Syndrome invloed ouers Isolasie jaloesie jealousy johannes Johannes Schickerling kersgeskenk kiders kinders kommunikasie kompulsiewe leuenaar kultus kykmooinajouself listen louis awerbuck luister manipulation manupilasie Mede-afhanklikheid medication medikasie memory mid-life crisis middeljare krisis mishandeling Mood disorder motivering Munchausen-sindroom nagmerries narcissism narsisme nightmares omstander-effek ontrou ontrouheid ooreet ouer ondersteuning ouers ouerskap outisme paniekaanvalle parental support parents patologiese leuenaar personal development personality personality disorder persoonlikheid persoonlikheidsversteuring post traumatic stress disorder Posttraumatiese stresversteuring Psigopaat Psychopath PTSD relation relationships ruimtevrees Schizophrenia seksuele mishandeling seksuele molestering self skade self-harm selfbeeld selfdood selfontwikkeling selfvertroue sexual abuse skei Skisofrenie skoolweiering skuldgevoelens Slagoffermentaliteit Stockholm Sindroom stres stress suicide teenager tiener tieners tough love tourette syndrome tourettesindroom trauma Traumatiese stres trust tweede huwelik veerkragtigheid verhoudings verslawing vertroue violence volwasse kind sindroom Vreemdelingehaat vriendskap Werkswinkel woede Workshop Xenophobia 3 videos found 22:45 Seksuele mishandeling in die kinderjare 36:55 Die ma- en pa-figure – watter rol speel hulle 35:50 Is my kind ‘n psigopaat? Wat ouers moet weet. Interesting Articles Die siekte van ons tyd Understanding General Anxiety in the time of COVID-19 More information about: Louis Awerbuck Make an appointment